Retreat Groups

Make a Donation

The Retreat Movement would like to offer those who have experienced, or recognise, the value of participation in a Retreat Group the opportunity of contributing to the ongoing Retreat Movement for those who benefit significantly from their participation in a group.

Funds from the Movement account will be disbursed by the Retreat Oversight Team according to need for the following purposes:

  • Discounts for Facilitators of Retreats as they attend the Annual Equipping Workshop.
  • Discounts for participants in a Retreat Group.
  • Speakers for the Annual Equipping Event.
  • Maintenance of a website. (
  • Consideration for a part time Retreat Oversight staff person.

Donations and/or bequests to:

Renewal Retreat Movement
BSB: 704922
Acc. No. 100020058

Or others ways of making a donation can be arranged.

We believe this is one way to express your own appreciation of the value of retreats for you personally as well as providing support and renewal for colleagues in ministry who will follow you in significant gospel and Kingdom input.

Thank you. The Oversight Team.

Jenny Casey.
Steve Harris.
John Watson.
Steve Bennetts.
Colin Cowling. 0410482987.